Encouraging you to stand in your truth by nourishing and expanding your mind.

“A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of the body. It permeates the entire being, and according to its particular influence, either slows or quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it either awakens or soothes the nervous system.’

— Hazrat Inayat Khan

Working with me

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Sound healing

Create a fundamental shift in your subtle energy body, lifting you out of dis-ease and into an elevated state of healing.

Using a 10-step sound healing process, I’ll assess your energy imbalances, areas of healing, and raise your vibrational energy using resonant sounds. These sounds activate your body’s systems that regulate your mind, sleep, mood, emotions and hormones. Each session is supported with additional guidance you can practice at home.

Beneficial for:
Life shifts, emotional balance, significant issues


Sound bath

Engulf in a deeply meditative experience that uses the ancient sounds of Tibetan sound bowls to relax the mind, balance emotions and gently cleanse your body.

Using highly resonant sound frequencies attuned to your body’s natural frequency, this sound bath will leave you feeling rested, renewed and ready. Available in group and one-to-one sessions.

Beneficial for:
Alleviating stress and anxiety, promoting healthier sleep, deepening meditation and relaxation


Meditation mentoring

Are you someone who just can’t meditate but really want to? In three focused sessions, we’ll navigate meditation practices and the science behind them with this no nonsense starter programme.

Expect to debunk the myths, bin expectations and start afresh with simple principles we can put into practice one breath at a time.

Our sessions will cover:
Intro to meditation practice and types, resolving expectations and distractions, increasing awareness with mind-body alignment, breathwork and its effects

Full Moon Sound Bath

Saturday 16 Apr 2022
21:00-23:00 GMT | 21:00-23:00 EST

Join us as we release under the full moon in Libra, stripping back our intense emotional states to rebalance and create harmony with our higher self.

Still deciding?

Book in a free consultation and we’ll work out what’s right for you. Propose a time and we’ll take it from there.